

Foxy Lady



Don and Sher said...

Nice captures, We have had oroblems with rabid foxes in our area.

Anonymous said...

MOOM!!! where were these taken at oh my goodness they are beautiful I haven't seen a fox around in ages I remember they used to roam around our neighborhood and then suddenly I no longer saw them, very sad. But these are amazing, very wondeful indeed.

Navy Daughter said...

that anonymous is supposed to say NAvy daughter......evil blog website

Resigned said...

Thanks Don for your kind words as always.

Hey Sailor Girl, yup, right down by our lake again, but you have to get up reaaally early to see them !! Stay safe and strong. xo

Pat Tillett said...

You are so luck to see them out in the open like that. They are beautiful!!! (both foxes and photos)

faye said...

WOW .. those are fantastic shots ..
I know we have a fox or two way out here in the country, but so far they
have eluded me.

You certainly are on a roll...
keep going !!